Tuesday, May 13, 2003

time goes by sooOo fast... i feel like this year just started but finals are already starting in a matter of days...

i look back and realize how far, and yet, at the same time, how little i've come... God has been showing me again and again that i have a long way to go... especially as of late... i pray only that i would not cause too much hurt to those that are a part of my life in this time of growth and change... bear with me, please... as difficult as i might be at times, please continue to receive me with your loving caring patience and understanding... and if i have caused you any pain... i sincerely do apologize... and i thank you, from the bottom of my heart... for being there... for sticking by me... for not giving up... for loving me the way i am, countless shortcomings and all...

why does anyone put up with me??? i will never understand... and i will never cease to be amazed...

Thursday, May 08, 2003

it feels like its been a while(even though its only been a week)... i guess because so much has been going on in the last week... just wanted to take a lil time to remember all the wonderful moments and thank the people that made it possible...

senior banquet was... amazing... thank you SO much everyone that spent sleepless nites and worked long hours to make it such a special and memorable nite for us!! so many unforgettable moments... i will always remember this nite...

daniel a.k.a. woody.. thanks for the lovely dinner date and movie marathon on sunday~ it was fun just talking about anything and everything and getting to know you better...

esther, esther, esther... where do i begin? our weekly "tea dates" are seriously one of the highlights of my week~ i actually look forward to mondays~ thank you... for everything~ you truly have been my rock this year...

mah lovely lil flock ladies... thank you for being there... to cry with, to laugh with, to pray with, to share with... i'm realli gonna miss our flock meetings...

abe... thanks for the nacho date... that ended up being like 13 hours long! hahaha... i think we are both psycho... hope you're enjoying your tea and gettin plenty of rest so you can get well soon...

margaret... my roomie-to-be... thanks for being so patient and waiting for me... hope the talk was helpful in your decision making... i'll be praying for you... and, yes, we must have our bi-weekly dates next year...

liz... thanks for our chick flick nite... it was fun... and sappy... haha... mmm~ brownies~ ice cream~ bring on the food... we're definitely ready for our grubfests this summer...

carroll... thanks for the breakfast delivery this morning... why you put up with my laziness i do not know, but i sure do appreciate it~ it was yummie... and i'm still full from the omelette..

dang... sorrie this is so long... but before i end, i just hafta say one more thanks...

to each and every one of you that have left footprints in my life and in my heart... you are so precious to me and i am eternally thankful that it was in our Father's plan to bring you into my life... it amazes me still that someone can come to mean so much in such a short period of time, but i can honestly say that i can't imagine my life without any one of you... words seem so inadequate to express just how much you mean to me, but please know that i love you all so much... i truly do treasure every moment we share and look forward to many more to come...

Friday, May 02, 2003

just wanted to say... i hope that everyone's been doing well... and sorry~ i have been so MIA this week... been pretty much keeping to myself... and staying off AIM this week... sad to say, but i haven't heard from too many people... i guess thats kinda what i needed... time to myself... but still makes me think... how many people really genuinely care about me, what i'm going through, whether i'm hurting... would anyone even notice if i were to just...disappear... how many of us are willing to make time for people when the other person needs our time, not when its convenient for us... kinda funny how people fail you when you need them the most... partly because you almost expect them to instinctively know what your needs are without even telling them... but there's only One who can do that... and how awesome and comforting and freeing it is that our God knows our deepest and most intimate needs, even before we utter a word, and will always provide for us... without fail... yes, He is my rock, my strength, my shelter, my shield, my refuge, my comfort, my rest, my peace, my hope... my very present help in time of need~

on a totally different note. it is decided. senior banquet, here i come~ still not sure if i'm making the right choice... but it has been made.