Sunday, September 26, 2004

trip to berkeley? Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 11, 2004

CHINA 2004!!! here's a picture we took at the first village we visited~ xD are the kids ADORABLE or what?! dang~ just looking at these pictures makes me want to go back there! i know i've said it before(i sent out all the update letters... hopefully all of you guys received it!!), but i just wanted to take this chance to say once again - THANK YOU so much for your LOVE and SUPPORT!! your PRAYERS meant SO much!!! i LOVE you guys!!! xD Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

dang~ its been a LOOOOONG weekend! i definitely had a good time though, so it is ALL GOOD~ tee hee~ xP

i had a few first time experiences this weekend~ woo hoo~ xD i went out salsa dancing for the first time for sarah's birthday last saturday... it was fun getting to know some more of the college group ppl at my home church... all in all, quite an interesting experience! puhahahaha~ we all had a good time... eventually~ xP AND~ i finally got to go to PETCO PARK for the first time tonight to watch a Padres game!!! yaaaaay! xD we ate lots of yummie stuff... like the BIG DOG(which cost $6 but was SO worth it), nachos, fries, & snowcones! yum! too bad they didn't win... oh well~ i guess i just have to go back again sometime to watch them WIN! xD

of course, it wasn't all about new experiences~ we also had our annual labor day volleyball tournament among the san diego korean churches... i basically spent ALL day at the park but i got to hang out with my girls so it was ALL GOOD~ yay! xD only if it wasn't so STANKIN HOT... ugh! i tried to make the best of it by tanning my legs but... *sigh* yes, they are STILL as pale as ever! booo~ oh yea, i also got ambushed by people armed with water bottles full of water that ended up on me... i WILL get them back one of these days... I WILL! hehe~ xP really people, what IS it about me thats screaming out for abuse???

let's see... other than that, i still had my endless supply of meetings and dinners, as well as our friday night bible study for youth group! all i gotta say is, we have a superduper quartet(me and three of my girls - dora, ahreum & sophia) in the making~ hahahaha... yea, while we were waiting, the four of us busted out with EVERY disney song EVER written at the top of our lungs in the middle of our church parking lot~ tee hee~ its a good thing our church isn't in a residential area! hahahahaha~ xD i also ran ALOT of my neverending errands... got an oil change, a car wash, finished writing and mailed out all my missions update letters, went to the bank and bought my cousin's birthday gift! phew~ i am pooped! wow~ i started this before midnite and now its almost 2am! eeek~ ok, time for me to go to bed~ *muah* goodnight world! x)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

one. two. three. SMILE! xD a little group picture action at my graduation! i know not everyone stuck around til the very end(which was when this photo was taken) but thanks for showing up everybody! you guys really made that day special! really! as hectic as it was, i truly felt each and every one of your presence and it really meant ALOT that you guys were there! it wouldn't have been the same without you guys!! this is my small belated tribute to all of you - i LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys & miss you all SO much!!! Posted by Hello

dang~ where can i begin? the past two months have been CRAZY~!!! seriously, its been SO busy... but its been a good busy, you know, the fun kind~ xP

granted, i've had a TON of suffering and pain to endure through(trust me, china was TOUGH)but even through that we always managed to have a good time! xD man~ i LOVE LOVE LOVE my teammates!!! when you go through THAT much together(it was physically so tremendously demanding) and come out of it alive, you REALLY bond! xD all i can say is, God has truly been blessing and stretching me in EVERY way these past few months!

since i've been back, from being overseas, life has been SO hectic! i started teaching youth group(which has been taking up HECKA time but is all good because i LOVE LOVE LOVE my girls!!! xD), went to Anaheim for JAMA with 30 of our youth kids, attended gower & mejeld's wedding(it was SO nice to see everyone~), entertained esther for 3 days when she visited(we did ALOT... too much to list it all), spent lots of time with my family, met up with haejin & geewon(we had an interesting conversation), went up to LA to meet up with my junior year small group(as well as chop off my hair - its HECKA short now!), had a sleepover with my bible study class(i have 10 girls... it was insane!!), hung out with stephen & jo(thanks for visiting!), went to the GETTY(for the FIRST time!) with my woman(thank you for EVERYTHING! xD), went to watch Collateral(good movie), had many many breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea dates, occasional shopping, HECKA meetings and, of course, visits to the beach!!! man~ things have been crazy around here!

i'm slowly starting to realize that a chapter of my life has ended and that a new one has begun... strange. its sad... and exciting.. and scary... and so many other things all at one time... but i'm learning to adjust, slowly but surely, one day at a time! God has been so faithful, as He has always been, in providing wonderful friends and sisters - sarah and esther, you girls are such a joy and blessing! i seriously LOVE hanging out and spending time with you guys! xD

anyway, long story short(or not-so-short), life has been insanely busy since i've moved back home but i'm hoping it'll slow down soon or that i learn to cope with it being this crazy all the time! hahaha~ i guess we'll just have to see how things go! x)