Sunday, July 13, 2003

wow~ its been exactly two months since my last post...

to write everything that's happened in that time would 1)take forever, and 2) bore you all to death, sooOo... i shall spare you(and me) the pain... hehe...

speaking of pain... i twisted my ankle on friday!!! booOo!! i guess i actually hurt it pretty badly this time because it still hurts like crazy to walk... in fact, i've basically been confined to my apartment for the past few days(besides going to church, of course)... on friday nite, it was hurting SO much that it kept me up all nite til i finally passed out from exhaustion at 7am... *sigh*

its depressing sitting alone at home in excruciating pain without the ability to move about freely... just not the same as rolling around in bed all day in your PJs with the apartment all to yourself(which i totally love!)... maybe its the excruciating pain part... haha...

anyway, so do come visit your poor sista and cheer her up~ *grin* always a plus if you come bearing gifts~ puhahahahahaha~ i'm just kidding! just bring your lovely selves...

hope to be seeing y'all around here soon...