Thursday, February 24, 2005

dang~ its been a while... again. hahaha~ xP

the past month has seriously been crazy though... i haven't had a free weekend in over a month! no complaints here though... as exhausting as it has been, it has also been lots of fun, too! xD

here's a quick recap & shout outs to all you special people that make my life so wonderful(even in the midst of stress & frustration):

-first of all, a shout out to my young gam!!! xD we had some good times when you visited~ too bad for the weather but we made it work anyway! x) next time we'll make it in time for the stuffed french toast... FO SHO! can't wait for NY~ yay!

-helen, my strangely quirky co-parent of many children that give us headaches(hahahahaha~ xP), thanks for the many many many(seriously MANY) movie dates, dinner dates, dessert dates(dang~ we spend a LOT of time together eating... hahaha~)& for letting me be your unofficial third roomate! bring on the laughs! x)

-my beautiful DT girls~ its always such a joy & blessing to see you both! i'm constantly challenged & pushed as we learn & grow together every week! besides, its just plain fun to hang out with you girls, too! we must have many many more random dates!(starbucks anyone? *wink wink* hehehe~ xP)

-my youth group girls~ you girls are SO very precious to me... i hope you all know that!! i cherish the times we spend together as we study the Word every friday night, reflect & share on Sunday morning, & when i get to see you guys one on one! (we need to do more of that! xD)

-a big shout out to my youth group praise team!! you guys are AMAZING~ thanks SO much for working hard & giving your all~ i know i've been pushing you guys hard in such a short span of time with crazy practices the past few weeks... but i am truly blown away by the way each and every one of you have stepped up to make this happen! PRAISE GOD!

-teacher's retreat was... exhausting but oh-so-much FUN! xD the late night talk was... interesting... and the food... oh man~ i'm getting full just THINKING about how MUCH we ate that weekend... oh! and remember the hike? hahaha~ good times!

-our korean new year's family dinner~ it was nice having my uncle & his wife come from korea & my grandparents, too... times like these are SO valuable! i LOVE my family~ true, we have our faults & shortcomings... but that's what makes us, us! x)

-a shout out to our Hope YAG~ especially the older sisters... its been such a blessing slowly getting to know you guys through bible study & community group! its such a comfort knowing that there's a family that cares & is looking out for me & my walk with God!

-esther's surprise "no-more-LSAT" party~ yaaaaay! haha~ getting ready for the party WAS a party! all the yummie food & the crazy creative juices that were flowing up in there! if i ever start a party planning & decorating firm, i'd hire you all! xD esta, babe~ i LOVE ya! we gotta start having our random lil dates again!! x)

-youth group ice skating outing!!! we had some good times that day~ some of you were mopping up all the melted ice with your whole body... but hey~ its all good! my feet were hurting like crazy but its always a blast kicking it with y'alls!

-date with haejin & kevin at extraordinary desserts~ yummmmmie! girl~ it was SO nice to see you!! we must see each other more often~ come visit all the time!!! xP hopefully next time we'll all be a bit less tired~ hehe~

-our awesome youth group staff~ i know i'm no good at showing it, but i love you all so dearly! sometimes meetings can wear us out but i'm glad that we're all in this together this year~ i shall be looking forward to kicking back & having some fun together!

-a shout out to the women DT leaders~ our meetings are seriously SO encouraging & i am SO thankful that we have each other to support & spur one another on in our service to Him & this ministry! its been hard work preparing for the forum but i am excited to see what God will do through this time~ hwa-EE-ting, ladies!

-trip to Hawaii with my parents~ it was SO beautiful!!! the sunshine, the beaches, the mountains, the breeze... i was truly in awe of God's awesome creation! it was breathtakingly beautiful! i can't wait to go back again!

-lastly, a very special shout out to all of you who have made me feel so loved & cherished these last few weeks through your letters, phone calls, emails, IMs... it meant more than you'll ever know! sometimes you need a reminder of things you already know & it was nice to be reminded that i am remembered & thought of, loved & missed~ thank you all SO much for that!! i needed it more than you know! xD

for those of you that made it through all that, sorry it got so long... but trust me~ this is the condensed version for the last month of my life! x)

anyway~ another really REALLY long weekend ahead! i don't think i'll get to come home til after teacher's meeting on sunday night once i leave for DT tomorrow afternoon... crazy, huh? i gotta get to La Jolla by 3pm for DT, then praise team mtg at 5:30pm, friday night bible study at 7pm, praise practice after bible study, crash at helen & esther's, get to church by 5:30am on saturday, drive up to LA, teacher's conference in LA all day long, get back by 8:30pm for DT forum, followed by DT girls sleepover, come to EM service by 9am, then youth service, and meetings til the end of the day!

well, i guess i'll be back after the weekend is over! gotta get some sleep so i can make it through the next three days alive! hehe~ good night, everyone!